Steampunk Nitefinder
EBAY Auction Link - Ending Sunday 8/31
Trying my hand at both the Steampunk style and modifying a Nerf Nite Finder results in the glorious weapon you see in the photos below! I did some basic modifications to the gun giving it much greater range, I'd say nearly double. An industrial Steampunk paint style was applied, along with a few cosmetic additions. I started to go overboard with adding gears, pipes, and what-not until I realized that since the gun is so much fun to fire and works beautifully, adding too many protruding things will dampen it's functionality, so I scaled back my original plans. So the result is a gun that straddles the line of use-ability and display-ability. The gun has a built-in laser targetting light for those who aren't aware.
- Air restrictor removed
- Dart peg removed allowing the use of homemade darts
- Plunger and other moving parts relubed with Jig-A-Loo
Paints used:
- Tamiya Acrylic Flat Black
- Tamiya Acrylic Chrome Silver
- Tamiya Acrylic Copper
- Gamesworkshop Citadel Mithril Silver
- Krylon Fusion Hammered Copper
- Krylon Fusion Hammered Silver
- FolkArt Acrylic Metallic Antique Gold
- FolkArt Acrylic Metallic Antique Copper
- FolkArt Acrylic Metallic Copper
- FolkArt Acrylic Metallic Silver Sterling
First a basecoat of Krylon Copper to the main body while secondary parts like the barrel and the trigger got the Krylon Silver treatment. Detailing was done using an array of metallics as you can see in the list above. Black was airbrushed around the front barrel to give it a fired-so-much-it-burns feeling which I think Pepto makes something for. The entire piece was then airbrushed several coats of Future Floor Polish as a sealer.