Abomination was never a villain I really respected in the comics. He may have been big and mean but he had fish lips! So when I heard he was in the new Incredible Hulk movie I was skeptical. However, after seeing the movie I must say, the filmmakers did a really good job in the translation of this character. I decided to do my own take on the movie toy, opting for an almost alligatorish texture and color scheme for the skin, and downplaying the protruding bones the original toy had. In the end, I think this is a nice custom based on the movie character, but paying respect to the reptillian original.
Paints used:
- Testors Acryl Gray
- Testors Model Master Acryl Flat White
- Testors Model Master Acryl Flat Black
- Tamiya Acrylic Khaki
- Tamiya Acrylic Dark Yellow
- Games Workshop Citadel Catachan Green
- Folk Art Acrylic Metallic Silver Sterling
Abomination was first airbrushed a basecoat of Catachan Green. Khaki was then heavily drybrushed on, followed by Dark Yellow for highlights. His boney protrusions were painted Gray, washed with Black to fill in the cracks, then drybrushed White. His steel pipe was painted Black then drybrushed Metallic Silver Sterling. His eyes and teeth were also completely repainted.